sábado, 19 de junho de 2010

I finally made to the top of the mountain. The first three pictures show the view we have from the seat of the car, and the two with snow is what we get when we are up there. Cold. Very very cold. But extremely beautiful and a lot of fun!

6 comentários:

  1. I still don't know what is better, the mountain or the log house. :P

  2. Teacher, this place is amazing, ham?! Really Beautiful!!!

  3. To com invejinha desse frio... To torrando de tanto calor que ta fazendo aqui... :S Ta horrivel! To ate dormindo no porao pq la eh mais fresquinho! heheheehehehe Beijoooo!

  4. Poxa Bru, ja tas com neve ai? O matuto aqui nunca viu neve! 8-| Tou achando massa o Blog, acompanharei todas as postagens...

  5. kkkk, era não Rico. Bru é poliglota...kikikiki.
