sábado, 26 de junho de 2010

Let me show you a little bit more of Seattle this time. Crows are very common here, and to be very honest it's a bit scary when they caw...it sounds like you're in a thriller...
The city radiates art, all kinds of it, music specially. But the artistic soul of Seattle is also on trees, as you can see for this wind chime made with forks.
Dogs need to poop right? Here's the place they come for it!

I present to you the Port of Seattle, and the picture above is the Bell Street Pier, also known as Pier 66, located in Elliot Bay which is part of the Puget Sound area.

This time I was taking the ferry boat (which is very common here) from Lynnwood to Kingston. Pictures are not enough to describe how beautiful the whole thing is. Unfortunately that's all I can do to share a little bit of this beauty with you. I hope you like it. I sure did!

sábado, 19 de junho de 2010

I finally made to the top of the mountain. The first three pictures show the view we have from the seat of the car, and the two with snow is what we get when we are up there. Cold. Very very cold. But extremely beautiful and a lot of fun!

Let's take a walk through the woods now and get some more nature into my camera. I'm sitting on a log this time and the cute squirrel is on the log in front of me. Isn't that great!
The other picture is a new view from the same log. I felt like in the set of Twilight. uuuuuuuuu

Still at the log house, this time sitting on the porch, where I am able to capture with my camera Mother Nature in it's most beautiful state. A humming bird ready to drink some water.

Seattle Seats takes a trip to Mount Rainier. I actually stayed in a log house and it was amazing to see one in real life. Just for you to have an idea, this is what a log house bathroom looks like (two different bathrooms). This house in particular belongs to a rich man.
P.S. I AM on the toilet SEAT (in both pictures) hahahahahahaha

We are at a park and the kids are playing volleyball. I'm sitting on a thick blanket wrapped in an even thicker blanket to protect myself from the cold. That's what a park in the middle of the city looks like. The road to the left and the woods to the right. Interesting!

quarta-feira, 16 de junho de 2010

This is my first time driving around Seattle, and from the front seat of the car I see the Seattle Space Needle for real!!! Wait until I show you the view from up there...I hope it happens soon.

Seattle here I am!!! Had a bit of a problem on my first day though. The seat is a curb, the view is of a hotel, the reason is my landlady (Jeanete) changed address and forgot to tell me. Let me explain, the person who was supposed to pick me up at the airport didn't find me and I had to take the shuttle to the address I had. Arriving there I found out there was nobody at home. I finally managed to call a cab so me and my luggage could be taken to a hotel where I could rest, phone my mum in Brazil and ask her to try to get Jeanete's phone number (which I didn't have - stupid, I know!). It was only the next day when I got to talk to Jeanete's son to discover that they had moved - nobody at home, remember? Well, he went to pick me up and bring me to my new house. Obaaaaaaa I'll show you the house later.

segunda-feira, 7 de junho de 2010

This is a 'special guest seat' before heading off to new se(a)ttings (contribution from a very dear friend).
I give you now the seat of Ascenso Ferreira, some of whose poetry is worth remembering here.

Minha Escola

A escola que eu freqüentava era cheia de grades como as prisões.

E o meu Mestre, carrancudo como um dicionário;

Complicado como as Matemáticas;

Inacessível como Os Lusíadas de Camões!

À sua porta eu estacava sempre hesitante...

De um lado a vida... – A minha adorável vida de criança:

Pinhões... Papagaios... Carreiras ao sol...

Vôos de trapézio à sombra da mangueira!

Saltos da ingazeira pra dentro do rio...

Jogos de castanhas...

- O meu engenho de barro de fazer mel!

Do outro lado, aquela tortura:

"As armas e os barões assinalados!"

- Quantas orações?

- Qual é o maior rio da China?

- A 2 + 2 A B = quanto?

- Que é curvilíneo, convexo?

- Menino, venha dar sua lição de retórica!

- "Eu começo, atenienses, invocando

a proteção dos deuses do Olimpo

para os destinos da Grécia!"

- Muito bem! Isto é do grande Demóstenes!

- Agora, a de francês:

- "Quand le christianisme avait apparu sur la terre..."

- Basta.

- Hoje temos sabatina...

- O argumento é a bolo!

- Qual é a distância da Terra ao Sol?

- ? !!

- Não sabe? Passe a mão à palmatória!

- Bem, amanhã quero isso de cor...

Felizmente, à boca da noite,

Eu tinha uma velha que me contava histórias...

Lindas histórias do reino da Mãe-d’Água...

E me ensinava a tomar a benção à lua nova.

História Pátria

Plantando mandioca, plantando feijão,

colhendo café, borracha, cacau,

comendo pamonha, canjica, mingau,

rezando de tarde nossa Ave-Maria,




A gente vivia.

De festas no ano só quatro é que havia:

Entrudo e Natal, Quaresma e Sanjoão!

Mas tudo emendava num só carrilhão!

E a gente vadiava, dançava, comia...




Todo santo dia!

O Rei, entretanto, não era da terra!

E gente pra Europa mandou-se estudar...

Gentinha idiota que trouxe a mania

de nos transformar

da noite pro dia...

A gente que tão




(E foi um dia a nossa civilização tão fácil de criar!)

Passou-se a pensar,

passou-se a cantar,

passou-se a dançar,

passou-se a comer,

passou-se a vestir,

passou-se a viver,

passou-se a sentir,

tal como Paris





A gente que tão





And now an adaptation by another special guest... (I love your contributions!)

[...] Mangabas maduras,

mamões amarelos,

mamões amarelos

que amostram, molengos,

as mamas macias

pra gente mamar...

Vou danado pra Seattle,

vou danado pra Seattle,

vou danado pra Seattle,

com vontade de chegar[...]